26 June 2012

Leanna + Daniel - Wedding

Leanna and Daniel had a heck of a time finally getting married.

I am so incredibly blessed to have been able to be there for her as she married her soul mate.

11 June 2012

Out in Edmond

Out and about in Edmond, on a walking trail.  

Daddy and son talking.  Probably about super heroes or Star Wars.

Husband and the Littles.

The field in the city is pretty nice.

Mr. Boy is working very hard at not falling off the ropes.

Little Miss and her flower.

07 June 2012

Back when I was Amanda Neahring, I was also AtTheStars Photography.  These are from that time.  I was shooting family and friends.  I did so many senior pictures that year, I was able to actually purchase a car.  It was an inexpensive and used car, but it was my car.  I hope you enjoy.

Cassie - Senior 2004

Melissa - Senior Pictures

Melissa's Senior Pictures

Austin - Senior Pictures

  Austin's Senior Pictures

04 June 2012

Matt - Senior Style

Here are a couple photos I did this past year for my nephew Matt.  He wanted pictures and I wanted practice.  It worked out nicely.